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How Do You Delete The Last Element Of An Array In Javascript

How Do You Delete The Last Element Of An Array In Javascript

jelaskan array yang dapat di hasilkan di javascript?

Daftar Isi

1. jelaskan array yang dapat di hasilkan di javascript?

menyimpan dan mengambil posisi nilai data

maaf apabila kurang tepat

2. why do you think people from the past thought that water was an element?


karena air bagi orang zaman dulu sangat berharga


maaf kalau salah.


i think because, Water is a single substance. ... Substances such as hydrogen and oxygen, i.e. single substances that cannot be chemically broken down into simpler substances, are called elements; while substances such as water, which is a single substance that can be broken down into other simpler substances, are called compounds.


saya pikir karena,Air merupakan suatu zat tunggal. ... Zat seperti hidrogen dan oksigen, yaitu zat tunggal yang secara kimia tidak dapat diuraikan menjadi zat lain yang lebih sederhana, disebut unsur; sedangkan zat seperti air, yaitu zat tunggal yang dapat diuraikan menjadi zat lain yang lebih sederhana, disebut senyawa.

3. Kegunaan element kosong dan element pointer pada deklarasi variabel array?​.


Element kosong digunakan untuk menyimpan nilai default yang akan digunakan pada variabel array, sementara element pointer digunakan untuk memetakan posisi elemen dalam array ke pointer pada memori.


Element kosong adalah elemen array yang tidak berisi nilai apa pun. Element pointer berfungsi sebagai alamat memori tempat data disimpan, yang memungkinkan array untuk dapat diakses lebih cepat.

4. Mungkinkah membuat suatu array di Javascript dengan index elemen pertama dimulai dari 1?

Tidak. yg saya tau javascript dari 0. tapi kalau di declar ulang bisa aja, tapi defaultnya 0

5. Mungkinkah suatu array di javascript dengan indek elemen pertama dimulai dari 1?

Sepertinya tidak mungkin. Karena array di JS indek elemen nya harus di mulai dari 0

6. 1. How many Photoshop tools are introduced inthe text above?2. What is the most important element inPhotoshop?3. Why should you always label your layer?4. What can you do with layers?5. How can you customize your own color in thePhotoshop?6. What should you do to add text to your photo?7. Do you think Custom Brushes & The Brush Tooldetermine the position of the text?8. If you want to show only part of your picture,what tool will you use?9. Do you think the text is originally finished or it iscontinued other information?10. What further information do you need so thatyou can really operate Photoshop?​

text nya dimana? kurang lengkap soal nya

7. Try to mention the classification of the form Element in the form deposits

Time deposit

Deposit Automatic Roll Over

Certificate of Deposit

Maaf kalau salah

8. What is the minimum number of lenses in multiple-element lens?

the minimum number of lenses in multiple-element lens is 2 lenses

9. the period in which an element is located gives us

principal quantum number (n)

10. However, the benefits of speaking multiple languages extend past just having access to different words, concepts, metaphors, and frames. Multilingualism has ____. Multilinguals tend to score better on standardized tests, especially in math, reading, and vocabulary. Fill the blank? (A) side effects of an incredible array (B) incredible side effects of an array (C) incredible effects of an array side (D) an incredible side array of effects (E) an array of incredible side effects

However, the benefits of speaking multiple languages extend past just having access to different words, concepts, metaphors, and frames.

Multilingualism has an array of incredible side effects (E).


Untuk menemukan jawaban yang tepat, kita harus menemukan kata benda pada opsi jawaban.

Kata benda yang ada adalah side effects (efek samping) dan array (aturan, himpunan, susunan). Dari kata benda ini, kata 'side effects' tidak dapat dipisahkan. Jadi, opsi C dan D tidak benar.

Kata 'incredible' berarti luar biasa, dan merupakan kata sifat yang menerangkan kata benda. Sekarang, 'apa yang luar biasa? - aturan? efek samping?'

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Detil jawaban


Keterangan: Kunci Jawaban SBMPTN 2019

Kode: 12.24


11. how do I delete my copied videos from my albums in xiaomi without deleting the video itself( I have full storage in my phone)​


Upload to Google Drive or your preferred cloud service

12. the otomic number of an element is 73, is this element diagmanetic or paramagnetic?​


Jawab :

Notasi unsur :




Sifat magnet :


Paramagnetik adalah suatu golongan unsur yang memiliki daya tarik magnet yang sangat kuat

Magnetik normal adalah suatu golongan unsur yang memiliki daya tarik magnet yang normal

Diamagnetik adalah suati golongan unsur yang memiliki daya tarik magnet lemah atau tidak bisa menarik magnet sama sekali

13. 1. How many Photoshop Tools are introduced in the text above ? 2. What is the most important element in Photoshop ? 3. Why should you always label your layer ? 4. What can you do with layer ? 5. How can you customize your own color in the Photoshop ? 6. What should you do to add text to your photo ? 7. Do you think Custom Brush & The Brush Tool determine the position of the text ? 8. If you want to show only part of your picture what tool will you use ? 9. Do you think the text is originally finished or it is continued other information ? 10. What further information do you need so that you can really operate Photoshop ? ​

Procedure text is a text describes how something is done or made through a sequence of actions or steps. The general structure of procedure text is the title, a list of materials, and the steps. The title of procedure text shows the goal that is the name of the procedure to be carried out.


1. How many Photoshop Tools are introduced in the text above?

There are five Photoshop tools in the text above.

Pada paragraf pertama: "To get  you started, you need to understand how the five most important Photoshop tools work."

2. What is the most important element in Photoshop?

Layers are the most important thing in photoshop.

Pada paragraf kedua: "Layers are by far the most important element of Photoshop."

3. Why should you always label your layer?

We should always label our label because It will make our layers organized and it will ease our job, especially if we are working on a project with a large number of layers.

Perhatikan paragraf kedua: "Always name your layers. Keeping them organized will help keep you sane, especially if you find yourself working on a project with a large number of layers."

4. What can you do with layer?

With layers, we can select, add, delete, and duplicate them. We can also do all sorts of cool things, such as, making animated pictures.

Jawaban terdapat pada paragraf ketiga.

5. How can you customize your own color in the Photoshop?

To customize color, open the Color Picker by double-clicking on the top box either in the Color module, or in that menu on the left. Then, you'll see a vertical spectrum of color with a slider on it, which you can adjust to create your own custom color.

Jawaban terdapat pada paragraf 4.

6. What should you do to add text to your photo?

To add text to your graphic, click the "T" icon on the left side bar, drag the text box over any particular area you want text to appear, and you’re set to go.

Jawaban terdapat pada paragraf 5.

7. Do you think the Custom Brush & the Brush Tool determine the position of the text?

No, it can be done using The Custom Fonts and The Text Tool.

Perhatikan paragraf 6: "to achieve a numbe rof different visual effect, change the size, shape, and transparency of your brush strokes using Costum Brushed & the Brush Tool."

8. If you want to show only part of  your picture, what tool will you use?

The crop tool.

9.  Do you think the text is originally finished or it is continued other information ?

It is originally continued with further information of how to operate Photoshop.

10.  What further information do you need so that you can really operate Photoshop? ​

I want to know how The Eraser operate.

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14. One element of the organization as a system is an element of ... a. Strategy b. Process c. Planning d. Coordinating


b. Process


maaf kalau salah ya semoga membantu <●>

15. dalam javascript apa fungsi dari for while do .... while dan for ... in

fungsi nya adalah untuk melakukan perulalangan atau looping,
perintah for untuk melakukan perulangan yang hanya terhitung
perintah while & do untuk melakukan perulangan yang baik yg terhitung maupun tidak terhitung For fungsinya untuk pengulangan yang diketahui banyak pengulangan yang akan dilakukan 
While fungsinya untuk melakukan perulangan secara terus-menerus,pada kondisi tertentu Do while fungsinya untuk melakukan pengulangan dengan mengerjakan perintah ya dan tidak
For_in fungsinya terletak di sistem java,biasa untuk objek array di java

good luck yah

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